Cleaning Your Phone Safely and Avoiding Mercury Contamination
Our cell phones are the homes of silent invaders- tiny, microscopic pathogens that can spread illness with the swipe of a finger. The current COVID-19 pandemic has made phone hygiene more important than ever before, and as we all adjust to the new normal, businesses, schools, hospitals, and individual consumers alike are in need of innovative phone sanitization solutions.
UV-C phone sanitizers effectively deactivate bacteria and viruses on the surfaces of our cell phones, providing an innovative and much-needed public health solution. However, the sudden popularity of these devices has led many people to wonder- “But are they safe?”
That’s why our team of experts at Glissner is here to set the record straight about UV-C phone sanitizers, their potential health risks, and how to use them safely. Some UV-C phone sanitization options on the market are safer than others, so it’s important to know what to look for. If you’re shopping for a UV-C phone sanitizer, here are some things you need to consider:
Be Cautious of Mercury Bulbs
For the protection of both public health and the environment, the EPA advises against the use of lightbulbs that contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is a toxin that, at high enough levels of exposure, can cause neurological damage, cardiovascular damage, and other health problems, especially for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
Unfortunately, many traditional UV-C sanitizers on the market today rely on mercury bulbs. This means that if the bulbs in these devices break or are damaged, toxic levels of mercury could be released, putting the safety of users in jeopardy. But these hazards can be easily avoided- when choosing an LED phone sanitizer, make sure to only consider devices that use mercury-free LED bulbs, like the CleanPhone. These state-of-the art bulbs produce powerfully germicidal wavelengths of light with no potential exposure to toxic chemicals
Protect Yourself From UV-C Radiation
Like all forms of UV radiation, UV-C rays can pose a risk to skin cells, potentially causing cancers or other damage. However, with proper precautions, UV-C phone sanitization devices can still be used safely.
For instance, take the CleanPhone- this device prioritizes all dynamics of user safety by including an automatic lid that ensures users’ skin never comes into direct contact with UV-C rays. That way, the user receives all the disinfecting benefits of UV-C light with none of the potential health risks. To keep yourself and others protected, make sure to look for a phone sanitizer that is mindfully designed for UV-C safety.
Consider Cleans-Per-Hour
One important factor to keep in mind when looking for the safest UV-C phone sanitizer for your needs is efficiency. Some options, especially those at a lower price-point, can only perform about 12 cleans per-hour. For individual users, this might be sufficient. However, for businesses, schools, large families, and other consumers with high-volume sanitization needs, more cleans per-hour will absolutely be necessary. Options like the CleanPhone provide up to 120 cleans per-hour, maximizing efficiency for high-volume sanitization needs.
The Value of Safety
These days, consumers can get a UV-C phone sanitizer at a vast spectrum of price points: from around $150 all the way to over $7,000. Of course, not all these options are made equally. No matter your budget, you can’t put a price tag on safety, so make sure that any UV-C sanitizer you consider comes equipped with protection from mercury and UV-C exposure.
At Glissner, we believe that high-quality, safe, and efficient UV-C phone sanitizers should be accessible; we are on a mission to get this powerful disease-fighting technology into as many homes and businesses as possible, and that’s why we offer one of the most competitive price points on the market.
If you need an affordable and 100% safe phone sanitization solution, then look no further than Glissner’s line of expertly designed products. The key to a safer world is already in the palm of your hand; do your part to promote public health with us.